Thursday, March 14, 2013

Birding the Rio Grande Valley - Spring Break 2013 - Day 3

So, for the past 3 nights we got back at the hotel at 9pm and I was asleep by 9:30pm.  I didn't download any of the photos from the day because I was just too pooped!  For those of you who know my birder husband, you know that we will bird from before sun-up to after sun-down - and that is exactly what this week has been like.

We started Day 3 of Spring Break by picking Jan and Bob up at their camper at 7am. First stop was Santa Ana National Wildlife Reserve where we saw Fulvous Whistling-Ducks
among many other ducks, herons, egrets and of course, Red-winged Blackbirds.  They're everywhere - especially at the bird feeders! Jan caught sight of this little guy landing in the reeds - an American Bittern.

It was a three kingfisher day with Belted, Green

and Ringed

all on the same pond.We all climbed up and crossed the canopy walk (which ALWAYS makes me a nervous wreck!). But, we did hear the Northern Beardless Tyrannulet and were able to track it down just past the canopy towers!  Yeah!!!

 At noon, we stopped to have lunch at the visitors center and buy some books
and then headed out to try to find the Aplomato Falcon on Old Port Isabel Road.  We were in luck, and found it perching on a pole.
Then we headed to Estero Grande State Park in Weslaco, where we saw a ton of ducks, both Night-Herons and this Pauraque.
We closed the place exhausted and starving, so we decided to go have some Texas BBQ.  Another birder recommended Fat Daddy's BBQ, and it was delicious!
We got home full, sunburnt and sleepy.  End of Day 3.

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