Monday, December 5, 2011

Woops! That's a Life List of 650!!!

So, I just found out from my Birder husband that he doesn't have 600 species on his life list.  He's got 650!  That's 6-5-0!  Oops!  I just performed another birding fau pas when I mistakenly reported his life list 50 species short.   Sheesh!  LOL!!! Am I ever going to get this birding thing right?! *smile*.  
Congrats on 650, baby!  I'm proud of you, no matter how many species you have on your life list.


vonda said...

I love this blog... dedicated to the one you love and his unique love :) What a HUGE life list item... I love it! Any other items on his life list... or are birds enough? How bout you whats on yours?

mrsbirder said...

Yep, this is his bird Life List. I think I have about 540 on my life list, but I don't remember. I usually forget that I've seen a bird, so am regularly thinking that my list is shorter than it is. LOL!